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Mr. Key Fob's

Salto Fob (PFM01K, PFM04K, PFD04K, Salto KS)

Salto Fob (PFM01K, PFM04K, PFD04K, Salto KS)

Regular price $40.00 USD
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  • We offer the best price GURANTEED, we will beat any competitor's price by 20% who offer the same type of service.

Salto key fobs are based on MIFARE Classic or MIFARE DESFire tags, or MIFARE Ultralight C technology. MIFARE Classic Salto key fobs (model number PFM01K or PFM04K) and MIFARE DESFire (model number PFD04K or Salto KS) can be cloned.

If you are a management office or security system installer, we have bulk Salto compatible fobs for sale at a competitive price. Plus, you don't need to have a Salto account to purchase this product:

Please note, the shape of the new key fobs we sell will look different than the original Salto key fob. If you want to buy the key fobs with the exact shape, please purchase them from your management office.

We support the following duplication methods for Salto tags:

Instruction for reading the tag with the MIFARE Classic Tool (MCT):

MIFARE Classic Tool (MCT) is a very popular third-party Android application that can read MIFARE Classic tags. The tool can be downloaded from any app store on an Android phone. The application is also available on the Github:

Below are the steps to read a Salto key fob and send the data to Mr. Key Fob for duplication:

1. Open the app and click on "READ TAG".

2. Click on "SELECT ALL", then place the Salto key fob on the back of the phone, then press "START MAPPING AND READ TAG". Please be patient for it to finish reading (takes up to a minute).

3. If the above step is correct, it should lead you to the screen with all the content of the key fob. Make sure all the sectors have data and you don't see any sector saying "No keys found (or dead sector)". Then click on the Share icon on the top of the screen. Email yourself the .mct file.

4. Attach the .mct file (Start with UID_) to this page when placing the order.

5. Mr. Key Fob will send you the programmed fob based on the .mct file you sent us.

Duplication Instruction for using an NXP PN532 reader:

One of the following computers is required:

  • x64 or ARM-based Windows computer.
  • x64 or Apple Silicon-based Mac (aka M1/M2 Mac) computer.

A lot of people do not know what is their computer's architecture (32-bit or 64-bit). Most PCs manufactured in the last two decades are supported. If you are not sure, please download our software and make sure you are able to run the software before you place an order.

You will also need an NXP PN532 reader to perform the read-and-write operation on the tag.

The software is open source and can be downloaded from here:

Just plug in the reader to your PC. Download the application that fits your environment (i.e. PN532-Cloner-Win-x64.exe for Windows and PN532-Cloner-Mac-x64 for macOS). Run the PN532-Cloner application and follow the instruction on the screen. No installation is required. The whole duplication process should only take under a minute (about 10 seconds to read the original tag and about 1 second to write the data to the new tag).

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